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Hi Peekers,

I have officially moved AK’s World to Why are you still reading this? Go take a peek. 🙂



Hi everyone,

Have you noticed the lack of postings? Well, I have a good reason… AK’s World is packing up and relocating.

Yes, AK’s World is currently in the process of moving. Remember when I mentioned new things that are happening? Well the relocation is a part of that change. I am designing a website just for YOU. Right now I am interviewing new people and brainstorming new ways to keep you all coming back for more.

As always I’d be happy to hear your ideas as well. Stay tuned for the NEW and IMPROVED AK’s World, which will be launching Monday, August 1. Feel free to peek at my older material. The countdown for the new site begins!

Thanks for peeking,


Hand painted clutch

The Fab Find:

Hand painted clutch

The Scoop:

This unique find was discovered at a Spring Clean I attended. Kevin West, a contemporary artist and men and women accessories designer, designed the clutch. He actually gets his inspiration from his paintings and later showcases them through accessories. Yes, my clutch as well as all his accessories are hand painted and crafted. Simply brilliant!


$10.00; regularly priced at $25

Worth it or shrug it off:

Definitely worth it! I wanted to grab so many clutches as they were all unique. This will be a signature statement to any outfit. I love it! It’s full of spunk and flair. It also has a sporty feel to it and screams “there is so much more to me than what you see.”  Definitely an eye catcher! It’s a splash of fun!

What do you think?

Check out more of Gifted by Kevin West at

This morning I was a reading a book that read, “It is through loving Him that we discover how to truly love others.” Him is Jesus Christ. He is our true example of love.

My question to you is are you capable of love without loving God? Could this be contributing to the rise in divorces because the love of Christ is not the center?

I find it’s funny how people say “it’s the God in me” and in no way are they displaying godly characteristics, such as l-o-v-e. My challenge to you is to walk in love which you can only achieve through God for He is love.

Make no mistake about it, we ALL need Him. It’s the ones saying they don’t need Him who do the most. Just some AK thoughts for you to think about…

Until next time,


Under pressure…

That’s exactly what I felt like after today’s events. It’s like someone placed me in the oven and turned it on full blast–scorching hot. It was one thing after another and I was not in the position to help myself. I was watching my life from above and could not interfere. It was not pleasant.

I felt discouraged and like no one was really listening to me. So I put the phone down, turned off the music, and begin to have a conversation with myself.

Yes, I’m admitting I talk to myself… it’s called self-encouragement.

I began to tell myself that I am good enough. I do deserve this. With tears in my eyes I told myself good news, the opposite of what I heard earlier today. Although dark clouds was what my mind dwelled on, I pushed them aside and began to be my own sunshine. Sometimes all you have is yourself. Finally, I began to talk to God and tell Him how I felt. He’s the best listener I know.

So what do you do when life comes at you fast? Nope I don’t grab a snicker, but I do hold onto my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prayer is so important. Although I felt weak and helpless, I depended on the Lord for strength. We can’t handle this life on our own.

Lean not unto thy own understanding in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Who are you acknowledging?


Just for fun: this song described what I was feeling earlier lol. Enjoy!

Flying to the top

Fly Won

As I glance up I notice Ms. Fly Won entering the facility. Won is average height showcasing vivacious curves, glimmering chocolate skin and a smile.

In her own words she is a walking billboard.

Her attire consists of a white striped navy blue shirt, jean capri pants and sparkled flats, coupled with gold jewelry. Her makeup hardly noticeable, yet one turn of the head and one is able to capture a subtle glimpse. She radiates confidence, poise and a gracious attitude.

The sun is shining and the wind is on the move as we take our seats outside of Starbucks to enjoy a pleasant day in Indianapolis; the city where this 28-year-old fashion stylist, master thrifter and reseller resides. Won has been making great strides here: not only does she produce fashion shows, she’s sought after to lend her fashion sense to photo shoots, music videos and more.

Won is boldly making loud moves. Her goal: To bring style, change and direction into the world of fashion.

Fashion was embedded in me and it started with my father. He was the most fashionable person I’ve ever known. We were so similar. I get my personality, attitude and creativity from him.

Won’s father committed suicide in 2009.

His death affected me to the point that I was angry. I didn’t know anyone that committed suicide who was African-American, especially someone like him. As a result I turned to reading. I found this book about suicide and I received an understanding about it. Once I understood I forgave him. It has taught me to savor every second. I believe he didn’t die in vain.

Intensity fills her eyes as she looks off into the distance gathering her words.

I still feel a connection with him especially when I work with models, photographers, or people who use to know him. Every time I’m styling someone on the job his presence is there. In a way he lives through me. I always think about him because he would be so overjoyed, this was his thing. Fashion was his gift that he passed down to me.

Even in landlocked Indianapolis Won has found a name for herself. Critics proclaiming Indiana is no place for an up and coming stylists do not bother her. She just keeps progressing in the midst of doubters.

I don’t like to say you can’t do anything. You can create what you want or what you love. I’ve seen a lot of growth in the styling aspect since I’ve been involved in the fashion scene here. We have a lot of potential. There are things buzzing with photographers, models, makeup and styling.

Won looks up to stylist Kimora Lee Simmons and Kelly Coutrone to name a few, and has come a long way from her Broad Ripple High School fashion show days. She now assists in producing a highly anticipated fashion show every year, entitled Clothes Minded C.E.N.T. The event is an affair that combines the top models, retailers, designers, beauticians and makeup artists throughout Indianapolis.

Even with all her success she is by no means boastful.

I don’t see myself as others see me. I just love what I do.

When she is in her element, styling, she is in her own world. A fantasy world where only Won and the client is present and she is cohesive to their desires. It’s about making the client happy.

A lot of stylists try to portray themselves and that is a big mistake. Stylists should be diverse or they’ll get overlooked. I want to appeal to the average woman, designer or model. At the end of the day I want my client to feel their story was told. It is my job to translate that as a stylist.

Check out Fly Won’s thrift store at If you are in need of a wardrobe stylist or fashion consultation please contact Won at

By Adrian Kendrick

Stepping out on faith!

Hi everyone!

I am so inspired right now, as always right?! I was motivated yesterday from a church service to step out on faith and believe God for the desires of my heart. I am always so overjoyed when I hear about people that step out on faith doing what they love and succeeding. I am willing to try as well. I can’t do something that I don’t love for the rest of my life. I have a voice and I am confident in my craft. I am going to step out on faith and believe God everything falls into place. I believe in my talent and my gift will make room for me.

What is your gift? What can you not live without? Take a chance and dare to live out your dream. I am in the process of turning my hobby into a business. Keep watching you’ll definitely see me around.


There’s always a window…

Your dreams are always before you… well at least mine is. Ultimately it’s up to me to reach out and grab them. This week I was constantly reminded of that. Recently I became discouraged about “the future.” As for what I wanted… I wanted it NOW.

You know us American’s are spoiled. We want a burger with lettuce, pickles, cheese, and a little mayo. If it’s too much mayo or one too many pickles, someone is going to hear about it, whether they want to or not.

There is this thing called ahem… patience. Patience is what I am still trying to master. Sometimes you have to hold out until it’s your time to shine, and once you do it’ll be the right time. Am I saying be satisfied where you are? NEVER! I for one am not one of those people that say I am content or satisfied. There is always another level of success to reach. I am always perfecting my craft. There is no time to kick your feet up and relax-unless you want someone out there to take your place. I’m constantly on the move trying to reinvent myself.

This week I wasn’t able to walk through a door like I intended to do however, I found a window. A window that was cracked open and needed to be pushed upward a little more. I intend to climb in that window. A window represents another entry-one you may not have intended to take. I sure didn’t want to take the window nonetheless, I’m headed in.

Who knows what opportunities may arise? I’ll never know if I don’t take a risk, a chance. Sometimes we have to reach out and create opportunities. One never arrives however, they keep progressing to unknown territory. It is what we do in strange territory that will show us our true desires. Will you give up? Be complacent?

I cannot remain stagnant because of fear. I choose to enlarge my territory because I can. At this point in my life I am really learning about using faith. I refuse to believe this is all there is to life. I know there’s more and I will obtain it. I never settled for average. I have a higher outlook on life.

We must tread upon waters unheard of, in order for someone else to discover them. I wish you the best on your journey.


Image provided by Ella M. Beebe Picture Primer, Florida Center for Instructional Technology

My Beige Baby Doll Booties

The Fab Find:

Beige Baby Doll Booties (I made up this name, cuz the receipt was trashed haha!)

The Scoop:

On the hunt for some job applications for my sister took a detour as soon as I spotted some cute shoes. Where did I snag these? Dot’s Clothing Store! These booties are comfy and stylish. The bow on the back adds a touch of sweetness as well.


$9 (Regularly priced at $19 ha!)

Worth it or shrug it off:

Say it with me! “Duh, these are worth it!” I purchased these on sale, meaning it didn’t hurt my bank account at all. Saving is definitely what I want to do; after all I am on a budget. Glad I was able to snag these before someone else. Can’t wait to strut in my booties.

Take a peek at Dot’s Clothing Store by clicking here and snag some cute and affordable necessities for your closet. They have stylish clothing for all sizes. 


Back view

Front view

Closer look at the pattern

The Fab Find:

Tribal and Floral Print One Piece Halter Hot Pants

The Scoop:

I had the privilege of meeting stylist Fly Won, an Indianapolis native, who also has her own site entitled Fly’s Nest. She specializes in vintage and thrift clothing-I’ve been growing fond of this. On Fly’s Nest you can find stylish and affordable clothing way cheaper than the department store prices. I had to snag this unique halter piece! Plus tribal and floral print is hot this spring/summer and I love the contrast patterns that flow together in unity.


$15.00 for the suit; shipping and handling cost extra

Worth it or shrug it off:

Definitely worth it! Not only is this a good snag, it fits me perfectly. Normally I don’t sport shorts because I have long legs and they all look way too short on me. However, the one piece is flattering and compliments my features in a classy fashion. I’m thinking I will show-off this with some gray or white ripped leggings. Can’t wait to make a fashion statement.

Maybe there is something in Fly’s Nest for you too, take a peek here.